Our Vision
The Pakistan Society of Agricultural Engineers (PSAE) is a professional body working for promotion and strengthening the role of Agricultural Engineering in nation building through uplift of the agriculture and allied sectors for enhancing their contribution in rural economy in particular by developing the sustainable agricultural technologies, processes and practices for better management of land and water resources and productions thereof.
Our Mission
The PSAE’s mission is to improve skill, manage technical information and enhance communication to the members and other stakeholders, strengthen the society by promoting professional activities, imparting trainings and raising awareness of the role of engineering in agriculture and allied sectors to have better and wider employment options for the fresh, working and experienced agricultural engineers by developing strong linkage with all the relevant sectors.
Objectives of PSAE
- To promote the science and art of engineering in agriculture.
- To encourage original research in agricultural engineering.
- To provide necessary infrastructure for technical assistance and information dissemination.
- To foster agricultural engineering education; to promote the intercourse of agricultural engineers
among themselves and with allied technologist. - To encourage the professional improvement of its members and severally in cooperation with other groups.
- To broaden the usefulness of agricultural engineering.